Rotary Club of Trichur | Club ID : 15896 | R.I. District 3201

Welcome To Rotary Club of Trichur

The Rotary Club of Trichur (RCT), chartered in 1960 is the first rotary club in Thrissur and the third in Kerala state. We are a hundred percent PHF club, functioning from our own headquarters at Museum Road, Thrissur, The club members meet every Thursday.

In its 60 years of glorious functioning, the club has carried out many humanitarian and social projects in Trissur and its suburbs. The club has a great tradition of contributing handsomely to The Rotary foundation every year and has many major donors.

Events & Projects

Blood Bank & Clinical Laboratory, General Hospital,Thrissur

Auto shield distribution

We distributed 105 nos. of Partition shields to Auto Rickshaws at a function organized at Sun Hospital, Trissur on 29th July 2020. The function was inaugurated by Worshipful Mayor of Trissur Corporation Ajitha Jayaraj and attended by DD, AG, GGR, Club President and the sponsor Rtn. Prathap Varkey, MD,Sun Hospitals

Pedal to school

Kick started the “Pedal to School Project” by gifting 10 bicycles to deserving students of four Govt Schools in Trichur. The functions at the respective locations were attended by school authorities, beneficiary students and their parents, local councilors and Rotarians of RC Trichur.

Upcoming Events
Club Leaders 2024-25

Rtn. MPHF Dr. Rajan M.P.



Rtn. MPHF Thomas John
